Upgrade to Creo View Lite to:
- Use Windchill system integration
- View image formats (BMP,JPG, GIF) and PDF documents
- View layers and groups
- Create, save and delete annotations, markup and watermarks
- Create and define sections
Upgrade to Creo View MCAD to:
- View additional image formats (JT, STEP, STL, VRML, DGN, GBF, IGES)
- Save (Creo View) and Export (2D image formats, IGES, STEP, VRML, DXF)
- Create and edit groups
- Edit part properties (Color, Style, Location, Name)
- Create additional sections (Quarter Cut, Capped, Part Selection)
- Create construction geometry (Point, Plane, Axis, Curve, Coordinates, Line)
- Create exploded assembly views
Compare the Creo View versions side-by-side.