Article - CS288145
Unable to embed pictures into drawings with the new Images command in Creo Parametric
Modified: 02-Dec-2024
Applies To
- Creo Parametric 4.0 to 11.0
- Creo+
- Windchill PDMLink 12.0 to 13.0
- Unable to save pictures into the drawing with the new Images command
- Cannot embed image in the drawing using the Images menu
- Inserted pictures (.jpg or .bmp) are not visible on the drawing at next retrieval
- Company logo is no more displayed in a drawing
- Is it possible to embed the image in the drawing rather than linking it?
- Publishing a drawing results in a black box
- Sharing a drawing with embedded image results in missing image
- Error in Message Log area "Could not locate image: XXX.jpg" when opening a drawing
- Some of images placed in a drawing were initially saved with option save_texture_with_model to yes but now seems to be missing, is it possible to save these images somehow differently than using this option?
- How can save the embedded picture file with drawing drw file after insert picture in the CREO engineering
drawing ? When I encounter a problem, delete the picture file after inserting the picture, or change the computer to open the engineering drawing, and the picture becomes a black square - Images are not permanently saved with the file
- Image files goes missing / is removed from a published representation
- OLE (Images) are not plotting when we use workgroup manager to plot Creo File as PDF file
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