Article - CS63595
Understanding Change Management objects and their relations in Windchill PDMLink
Modified: 05-Mar-2025
Applies To
- Windchill PDMLink 6.2 to 12.1
- How to understand Change Management objects and their relations?
- How change objects are related to other change objects?
- How change objects are related to other objects?
- Understanding the relationship between change objects like Problem Report, Change Request and Change Notice
- Change Management data model
- What are Legacy Data Model and Flexible Data Model links between change objects?
- How Change Notice (WTChangeOrder2) and Change Task (WTChangeActivity2) are related or linked?
- Understanding Change Management objects and their relations in Windchill PDMLink before and after 11.0
- Change Management Framework
- What is the data model relationship between Change and Changeable Object in Windchill PDMLink?
- Is there any concern if creating a change notice from the problem report directly?
- What are the legacy links that will be converted to flexible?
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