技术文章 - CS281065
ObjectsInExternalOrgDT Windu 任务报告 Windchill PDMLink 中的潜在问题
已修改: 10-Sep-2024
- Windchill PDMLink 10.2 to 11.0
- 升级前报告外部组织中所有组织拥有的命名空间对象 (ObjectsInExternalOrgDT) WinDU 任务是否是强制性的?
- 为什么需要它?
- 在上一次演练成功升级后,这个新的 WinDU 在 CPS 中发布,现在报告了问题。为什么在上一次演练中没有出现这个问题?
- ObjectsInExternalOrgDT.log可以报告以下之一
WinDU has found conflicting object(s) which cannot be repaired automatically. Resolve these conflicts manually by renumbering the object or by changing the organization of the object. […]
- 方法服务器代码错误:
java.lang.Exception: Exception of type 'java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException' was generated on the server with message 'null' com.ptc.windchill.upgrade.updates.UpdateExecutionException: Error executing IncrementalUpdate Report All Organization Owned Namespace Objects in External Organizations (#ObjectsInExternalOrgDT) Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:
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