技术文章 - CS324394
“在 /Thingworx/ 中检测到多重 (2x) 编码<Path To Entity>“在 ThingWorx Platform 上的 ApplicationLog 和 ErrorLog 中重复多次
已修改: 16-Aug-2024
- ThingWorx Platform 8.4 to 9.6
- 重复的 ERROR 或 WARN 行会堵塞<ThingworxStorage>\logs中的ApplicationLog.log和ErrorLog.log
- ThingWorx 平台中正在进行多重编码
- 浏览 ThingWorx Composer 导致记录多条错误消息
- 一个 ThingWorx 平台的多个 InclusionException 警报
- Thingworx Docker 容器不断出现入侵异常错误消息,需要了解根本原因以及如何修复它
- 每当用户登录或访问 ThingWorx Composer 中的任何内容时,都会在 ApplicationLog.log 中看到重复的IntrumentDetector和Encoder错误。
- 以下消息之一在位于<ThingworxStorage>\logs中的ApplicationLog.log和ErrorLog.log中重复出现多次:
[L: ERROR] [O: IntrusionException] [I: ] [U: <User>] [S: ] [P: ] [T: https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-<Thread>] [SECURITY FAILURE Anonymous:null@unknown -> /ExampleApplication/IntrusionException] INTRUSION - Multiple (2x) encoding detected in /Thingworx/<Path To Entity>
[L: ERROR] [O: IntrusionException] [I: ] [U: <User>] [S: ] [P: ] [T: https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-<Thread>] [SECURITY FAILURE Anonymous:null@unknown -> /ExampleApplication/IntrusionException] INTRUSION - Multiple (3x) encoding detected in /Thingworx/<Path To Entity>
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