技术文章 - CS376544

ThingWorx Eclipse 插件:在 Eclipse 2022+ 上创建资源时出现错误“请选择有效的超类 - 类不是 com.thingworx.resources.Resource 的实例”

已修改: 06-Jan-2025   

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  • ThingWorx Platform 9.1 to 9.4
  • ThingWorx Eclipse Plugin 9.0.1
  • Eclipse 2022 and later
  • Eclipse 2021 and JDK 11


  • 使用 ThingWorx Eclipse 插件在 Eclipse 中创建 ThingWorx 资源时,“新建类”对话框中显示错误:
    Please choose a valid Superclass - Class is not instance of: com.thingworx.resources.Resource
  • Eclipse 2022 及以上版本中已报告 Gradle 项目配置存在问题
  • ThingWorx Eclipse 插件9.0.1 与 Eclipse 的最新版本(2022+)无法完全兼容
  • 在 Eclipse 中创建Gradle类型的 Thingworx 项目会返回以下错误:
     The supplied phased action failed with an exception. A problem occurred configuring root project '<project_name>'. A problem occurred evaluating root project '<project_name>'. Could not find method compile() for arguments [directory 'twx-lib'] on object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler.
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