Have you downloaded Creo 4.0 yet? One of the first things you will want to try is the new full-screen mode. It removes everything but geometry from your view, so you can work more directly with your model. Here are some tips for using the new capability:
Switching Full-Screen Mode On and Off
To switch to full-screen mode: Press F11 to enter full-screen mode or click the Full Screen icon in the status bar. The ribbon model tree and status bar disappear and the graphics area expands to fill the window.
To switch off full-screen mode: Press F11 again.
Working without a Ribbon
Of course, while you’re in full-screen mode, you’ll still want to operate on your design. That’s why we introduced mini-toolbars. Anytime you select an object, the toolbar pops up, so you can quickly access the commands you need when you need them.
The mini toolbar opens when you make a selection.
Bringing Back Hidden Areas as Needed
Here’s a trick you might not notice at first. You can still bring back hidden areas, without leaving full-screen mode. This is useful if you want to quickly reach something in the model tree, for example, as you work. To access hidden areas of the interface,
- Move your mouse to the left edge of the window to access the model tree.
- Move your mouse to the top edge of the window to access the ribbon.
- Move your mouse to the bottom of the window to access the status bar.
The Ribbon is visible when you move your mouse to the top of the window.
To keep the message area visible,
- Right-click the status bar.
- Select Pin Status Bar.
Pin the status bar to keep it visible.
Watch the Demo
You can see a brief demo of these tips in the video below.
To learn more, read the PTC Creo Help Center page, Full Screen Mode – F11.
Start using Creo 4.0 today
This post just barely scratches the surfaces. We’ll have much more in coming weeks. If you haven’t downloaded Creo 4.0 yet, visit the Creo 4.0 page to find out more about this exciting new release and start using it today.