Ada for Embedded Systems

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PTC Ada development solutions product portfolio

Gain an understanding of the PTC Ada Development Solution Product Families and discover the advantages of each of these unique solutions.  Obtain guidance on product selection within the PTC Ada Development Solutions and determine which solution best fits your needs.  In this interactive demo will, you will be able to   

  • Obtain an overview of the PTC ApexAda product family 
  • Obtain an overview of the PTC ObjectAda product family
  • Obtain an overview of the PTC AdaWorld product family
  • Uncover industry trends
  • Accomplish modernization and risk management
  • and much more!


PTC ApexAda embedded Linux x VxWorks 7 / Armv8 product demonstration

This interactive demo will show:

  • ApexAda Systems, Views, and Configuration Management Features
  • Building and Running the Demonstration Program
  • Using the ApexAda Debugger
  • Implement Source Correction, Rebuild and Re-execute Application on VxWorks 7


Integrating design, implementation, testing, configuration management and process management

The PTC ApexAda is one of the industry’s most popular development environments for Ada and mixed Ada/C/C++ applications. Powered by PTC ApexAda software, PTC ApexAda Developer provides a single, scalable environment and process management for even the largest application development projects.

Recent ApexAda release announcements

v5.2 embedded for Linux/Armv8 64-bit is available

This release adds a new capability to its extensive line of native compilers, which includes the 64-bit embedded compiler, 64-bit compiler for Linux, and 64-bit C/C++ compiler.

v5.2 embedded for ApexAda Exec/Intel64 is available

This release features a new 64-bit embedded Ada compiler and ApexAda Exec runtime supporting “bare” hardware execution on Intel X86_64 processors.

v5.2 for 64-bit VxWorks 7/Intel64 is available

This release of ApexAda v5.2, a new 64-bit embedded compiler and runtime environment targets Wind River VxWorks v7.

v5.2 Linux VxWorks7/Armv8 is available

This release extends the capabilities of its extensive line of native and cross compilers for Ada application development with ApexAda v5.2 embedded with support for VxWorks 7 Armv8 64-bit (aarch64) targets.

Benefits of PTC ApexAda Developer

One of the best solutions for creating and deploying multiplatform UNIX and Linux Ada applications.  It extends the development capability to embedded target environments.  This powerful cross-development system combines the native development tools and execution environment (PTC ApexAda Developer) with time-tested embedded technology, for host-to target development of real-time embedded systems.

Full development lifecycle in one common IDE.

Architectural control for developing and managing large-scale applications.

Version control and configuration management.

Extends host-based development tools to work directly on the target execution platform.

Leverages best practices for large-scale application development.

PTC ApexAda has been used in these aerospace and defense systems

PTC ApexAda Developer is among the leading solutions for Aerospace & Defense development tools world-wide.  PTC ApexAda is used in military and civilian avionics, weapons systems, communications, and space applications.