Article - CS110474

Error message "[A30476] CMS exception: error connecting..." when publishing with Arbortext Publishing Engine 6.0 connected to Windchill PDMLink 10.1 M010

Modified: 05-Sep-2017   

Applies To

  • PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine 6.0
  • Windchill PDMLink 10.1


  • When publishing document Error message is returned:

[A30476] CMS exception: error connecting There are no contexts locally saved to enable offline access

  • This message is thrown in the MethodServer logs:
Line 7: <date> <time> Sending CAD Agent reply $ERROR$ Arbortext .. username = '######' CMS exception: error connecting There are no contexts locally saved to enable offline access....The following parameters were received with this request:zip-root=######## username=#######workspace=######tmpfile=x-wc://file=<filename>.xml zip-include-composerlog=yeszip-output=yes class=com.arbortext.ptc.windchill.Compose hosturl=http://<pdmlink server>/Windchill zip-include-html-composerlog=yes type=pdf password=************
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