Article - CS119692

Publishing jobs fails with "Error from UWGM : Registration with server failed : Authentication failed" in Windchill PDMLink

Modified: 20-Feb-2025   

Applies To

  • Windchill PDMLink 8.0 to 13.1
  • PTC Windchill Workgroup Manager (WWGM)
  • Windchill Visualization Services (WVS)


  • Publishing jobs fails with the following error:
    Error:13032: WWGM worker failed to sync file "MyPart.prt"
    Error from UWGM : Registration with server failed : Authentication failed
  • Inventor CAD worker fails to publish with error failed to register server
    Downloading file using WWGM : 
    inventor2pv Error:13032: WWGM worker failed to sync file "xxxxxxx.ipt"
    WWGM ERROR: The server couldn't be found at the given location
  • NX publishing is failing with UWGM-Registration error
    WWGM ERROR: Error from UWGM-Registration with server failed: Authentication failed
  • WWGM worker failed to sync file.
    Part Processing Returned: $ERROR$ WWGM worker failed to sync file


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