Article - CS161833

If a cable is routed through a splice, the locations on the two ports are highlighted as disjoint when routing in Creo Parametric

Modified: 08-Nov-2017   

Applies To

  • Creo Parametric 2.0 F000 to M160
  • Cabling


  • Even if there are only two disjoint cable segments, error appears:
  • Cable XXXXXX is made up of more than one disjoint segment.
    !               : Do you want to join them? Cancel will terminate the add process.
  • If a cable is routed through a splice, the locations on the two ports are highlighted as disjoint when routing
    • This was not the case in Wildfire 4.0 and Autoroute could be used
  • Not possible to autoroute broken wires in creo2 Cabling
  • Disjoint repair function do not really work as efficiently as the autoroute functionality in Wildfire 4.0:
    • Wires have to be deleted in order to route them along network
    • But this will also delete everything referencing the locations of these wires and their locations (e.g. dimensions)
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