Article - CS188314

How and when to add an API key to the Google Map Widget in ThingWorx

Modified: 29-Jul-2021   

Applies To

  • ThingWorx Platform 4.2 to 8.3 SP4


  • How and when to add an API key to the Google Map Widget
  • Google Map Widget API calls explained
  • The Google map widget fails to load with the following error:
    • Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError
  • All of our Google Map widgets have stopped working
  • The Google map widget shows a low-resolution map watermarked with "for development purposes only
  • GoogleWidgets_ExtensionPackage 3.1.3 can''t be activated, previous version 3.0.4 is working fine
  • Google Maps Widget v3.0.1 shows the following error on mashup:
    •   "This page can't load Google Maps correctly"
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