LoggingSubsystem configuration option to write complete stack traces for ERROR level messgaes in ThingWorx Platform
Applies To
- ThingWorx Platform 6.5 to 9.7
- Enable logging of stack traces for error messages that occur on the ThingWorx Platform
- How do I get a call stack for an exception that was thrown?
- Is there a way to get a call stack for a NullPointerException from ThingWorx?
- custom javascript code has been written without any error handling and an error occurs, Thingworx will log that an error occurred in a particular service but no other information is included
- How to get the full error stack of an error messaged logged at the ERROR level in ThingWorx Platform
- Write out error stack for messages logged in the ErrorLog.log file located in <ThingworxStorage>\logs
- How to display the stack trace for a failed service call
- Methods to determine where a specific service failed
- Troubleshooting a general SQL service failure that is called by multiple upstream JavaScript services