"Connect: Error initializing web socket. Response code: 404" when attempting to connect EdgeMicro Server(EMS) to ThingWorx Server
Applies To
- ThingWorx Platform 7.0 to 8.2
- ThingWorx Edge MicroServer 4.1 to 5.4
- On EdgeMicro Server(EMS) connect to ThingWorx Server "Connect: Error initializing web socket. Response code: 404"
- Fail to establish successful websocket handshake with EMS
- Following the SteamSensor example
- Failing to connect without HTTPS
- EMS throws "SDK: twMessaging::handleMessage: Response ID 21 has code 160: Unable to dispatch [ uri = /Things/<ThingName>/Services/TunnelCommandFromEdge/]: Unable to Invoke Service TunnelCommandFromEdge on <Thingname> : Tunnel xxxx-xxxx-XXX-xx not found”
- Lua Script Resource (LSR) failed to initialize when launching the luaScriptResource.exe