Article - CS283477

Non-Admin user cannot create services with SQL Query and SQL Command handler in ThingWorx

Modified: 08-May-2024   

Applies To

  • ThingWorx Platform 7.4 to 9.4


  • Non-admin users are not able to create services with handlers under a Thing which is implementing Database ThingTemplate
    • SQL Query
    • SQL Command
  • It is possible to create Local(JavaScript) service under the same Thing by non-admin user
  • Thing is implementing Database ThingTemplate but non-administrator users cannot create SQL (query) or SQL (command) services
  • Unable to create and edit things for non-admin composer users after upgrading from 8.3 to 8.5 with the following error:
No authorized for ServiceInvoke on GetHandleDefinitions in ConfiguredThing
  • How to grant non-administrator users to create permission for Local(JavaScript), SQL(Query)、SQL(Command) Services
  • Non-admin users have required design time and runtime collection permissions on Thing, ThingTemplate and ThingShapes
  • Errors in web browser's developer console:
GET http://<servername>:<port>/Thingworx/ThingPachanges/DatabaseThing/HandlerDefinitions?Accept=application%2Fjson&method=get&_=1523538843663 404 ()
twUtilityFunctions.js: could not load ThingPackage Metadata for “DatabaseThing”, xhr: “ { “readyState”:”responseText”:”Enitity Not Found : [DatabaseThing]”,”status”:404,”statusText”:”error”}
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