Article - CS303274

After a session expires the user is not redirect to the Single Sign-On (SSO) page in ThingWorx Platform

Modified: 09-Jul-2024   

Applies To

  • ThingWorx Platform 8.3 to 9.6
  • PingFederate
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
  • Microsoft Extra ID


  • Single Sign-On (SSO) does not redirect to form login after ThingWorx Platform session expires
  • User has to clear the browser cache to access back the environment
  • Users get an error instead of being asked to re-authenticate when their session expires in ThingWorx Platform
  • User is receiving the following error message in their browser
The system is currently encountering an authentication configuration error

Close the browser and try to login again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator
  • SecurityLog.log file in <ThingworxStorage>\logs shows the following errors:
[L: ERROR] [O: S.c.t.s.a.AuthenticatorExceptionHandler] [I: ] [U: ] [S: ] [T: https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-2] [ Error validating SAML message ]‌[ Response doesn't have any valid assertion which would pass subject validation ]‌[ Authentication statement is too old to be used with value 2018-11-26T08:36:02.303Z ]
[ java.lang.NullPointerException: userName was null ]‌[ userName was null ]
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