Open in Creo View action fails with message "ATTENTION: Error occurred communicating with Windchill. Contact your Windchill administrator for help." in Windchill PDMLink
Applies To
- Windchill PDMLink 11.0 to 13.0
- Creo View 3.0 to 10.1
- Creo Illustrate 7.0 to 10.1
- Windchill Visualization Services (WVS)
- Creo View client fails to opens viewable content from SSL configured Windchill PDMLink
- Getting error message when trying to open CAD objects in Creo View from Windchill details page
- Error with Windchill request
- ATTENTION: Error occurred communicating with Windchill. Contact your Windchill administrator for help
- Setting the environment variable PVIEW_SEARCH_ALL_CERTIFICATES=1 as described in CS242260 does not solve the problem
- Trying to open an illustration file from windchill throws the following error:
- The selected file cannot be opened from this location
- Getting a Communication Error when trying to connect Illustrate with Windchill:
- Could not connect to server
- Creo Illustrate & Creo View debug trace logs as per CS62972 report the following :
Info <date & time> 12724 12816 internet DownloadTask HttpSendRequest failed, error: 12057 Warning <date & time> 12724 12816 internet DownloadTask Unhandled certificate error: 12057 Error <date & time> 12724 12816 pvsa CvAgent Failed to retrieve Nonce Error <date & time> 12724 12780 pvsa CvAgent FAILED_TO_AQUIRE_NONCE_MESSAGE
- Creo Illustrate & Creo View debug trace logs can also report the following error codes:
internet DownloadTask HttpSendRequest failed, error: 12019 internet DownloadTask Unhandled certificate error: 12019