Suggested Technique for Downloading and Installing Milling Postprocessor Files for Creo Parametric
Applies To
- Creo Parametric 1.0 to 10.0
- Introduction
- This suggested technique explains the steps required to download and install Milling postprocessor files. The postprocessors listed below are provided as a service to Pro/NC users. PTC makes no guarantee that each postprocessor will create the correct output for a specific customer's machine. PTC will not provide any support for these sample postprocessors but will address postprocessor related inquiries on a case by case basis. It is the responsibility of the customer to use these postprocessors as a starting point from which to build the actual postprocessor for production machining. By downloading these postprocessors, the user agrees to the above conditions.
- Does it support exporting CNC codes of HSM SODICK UH650 and CNC DMG DMC 635V?