Article - CS315692

WWGM ERROR: "The workspace couldn't be found" or "The server couldn't be found at the given location" is received while publishing objects through 3rd party CAD worker

Modified: 30-Jan-2025   

Applies To

  • Creo View Adapters 4.0 to 11.1
  • Windchill PDMLink 10.0 to 13.1
  • PTC Windchill Workgroup Manager
  • NX 


  • Inventor worker Fails to start
  • NX worker throws error when attempting to publish with corresponding message when launching Windchill Workgroup Manager:
"Error from UWGM - Registration with server failed : The workspace couldn't be found”
Windchill File System failed to initialize. NX2212 will not be connected with Windchill Workgroup Manager.
  • Fails to publish CAD document in WWGM (Windchill Workgroup Manager) related worker with error in worker.log:
ug2pv Error:13032: WWGM worker failed to sync file ** ugadapter_app::Worker_sync_model: Error from UWGM - Registration with server failed : The workspace couldn't be found”
WWGM ERROR: Error from UWGM-Registration with server failed: The server couldn't be found at the given location
  • NX, SOLIDWORKS, CATIA or Autodesk Inventor workers fail to publish any job with error below after Windchill restart:
ugadapter_app::Worker_sync_model: Error from UWGM - Registration with server failed : The workspace couldn't be found
Downloading file using WWGM : inventor2pv Error:13032: WWGM worker failed to sync file "xxx.ipt" WWGM ERROR: The server couldn't be found at the given location
  • All CATIA publishing jobs sent to a specific worker failed with error below in Job Details:
    WWGM ERROR: Server registration error: The workspace couldn't be found.
    Input File Not Found
    Part Processing Returned:$ERROR$ Input File Not Found
  • Job Monitor log shows the below error:
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