Article - CS321513

Windchill PDMLink: CAD application fails to open or save files from Windchill File System (WFS) location

Modified: 17-Feb-2022   

Applies To

  • Windchill PDMLink 11.0 M030-CPS16 to 12.1
  • Windchill Workgroup Manager
  • Solidworks
  • Autodesk Inventor


  • Failure to open CAD data with the following error:
Location is not available
C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\PTC Places is not accessible.
The parameter is incorrect.
  • Failure to open CAD data in SolidWorks with the following error in the WGM message log area:
Failed to open in SolidWorks <version>: <filename>. Open the file directly in SolidWorks for more details. : Unable to open file.
  • Cannot open inventor files from Workspace and get the following error:
The following location(s) in your project are currently unavailable
  • Open WFS folder in Windows Explorer, it shows four folders without name and does not show Commonspace and Workspace folder.
    • User-added image
  • ptcvfsd.inf and PtcVfsd.sys files under C:\Windows\System32\DRVSTORE\ptcvfsd_#### are older than those under <WFS installation directory>\Driver
  • The settings used in the resolution of CS307655 and CS297063 do not help to resolve this issue.
  • WFS folder in Windows Explorer shows 4 folders which loop when accessed by double-click
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