Article - CS323059

Error "Validation Failure: Attempting A Dynamic Subscription To An Invalid Property" is received when opening a Mashup in ThingWorx

Modified: 01-Apr-2020   

Applies To

  • ThingWorx Platform 8.3 to 8.5


  • When opening a Mashup in browser the following error occurs in ApplicationLog.log
Unable to dispatch [ uri = /Things/PersistentSessionbXXXX/Services/AddDynamicRemoteSubscription/]: Unable to Invoke Service AddDynamicRemoteSubscription on PersistentSessionXXXX : Validation Failure: Attempting A Dynamic Subscription To An Invalid Property [PROPERTYNAME] on [THINGNAME]
[L: ERROR] [O: c.t.s.s.w.p.WSExecutionInstance] [I: ] [U: Administrator] [S: ] [P: ] [T: WSExecutionProcessor-501] error executing APIRequest Message: Validation Failure: Attempting A Dynamic Subscription To An Invalid Property [PROPERTYNAME] on [THINGNAME], sending ERROR ResponseMessage to caller!
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