Article - CS368434

Cannot remove Equipment from a User's Operator Dashboard in ThingWorx Real-Time Production Performance Monitoring (RTPPM)

Modified: 20-Jul-2022   

Applies To

  • ThingWorx Real-Time Production Performance Monitoring 1.4.1 to 1.6.3


  • How can another user remove Equipment from a given user's Operator Dashboard in ThingWorx Real-Time Production Performance Monitoring (RTPPM)
  • User has taken all Equipment into their Operator Dashboard and now other user's cannot interact with Equipment
  • All Equipment has been taken into Operator Dashboard of one user and now other Users cannot access it
  • Need the ability to remove Equipment from a user's Operator Dashboard via another user account
  • All Equipment has been assigned to a user's Operator Dashboard in ThingWorx RTPPM, now other users cannot access any Equipment
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