Article - CS398358

Premature exits occur without error or traceback.log file for some users while launching Creo Parametric 8.0, and

Modified: 04-Nov-2024   

Applies To

  • Creo Parametric to
  • Creo Parametric to
  • Creo Parametric
  • This impacts users who install Creo in a location where they don't have write access
  • Users who had a previous version of Creo installed, even in a location where they don't have write access, should not be impacted


  • Creo does not start for some users, but does open for Administrator of the machine
    • This impacts users who install Creo in a location where they don't have write access
    • Users who had a previous version of Creo installed, even in a location where they don't have write access, should not be impacted
  • Exit without traceback.log file while starting and in trail file below is reported
  • Creo exits after displaying splash screen while launching in user account, but opens fine when launched using "Run as Administrator" (right click Creo icon > run as admin)
  • The application attempts to start and flashes on screen but then exits before see the UI
  • Creo starts to open, splash screen flashes, and closes automatically without any error
  • Creo start and shut down without any message
  • While launching Creo Parametric, it closes in seconds when startup graphics window appears followed by white window
  • After Creo 10.0 is installed, it cannot be started
  • Below is listed on trail file which created while starting:
    • !AFX datecode: 2023.05.06
      !AFX exec path: C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo\Common Files\afx\x86e_win64\afx100.dll
      !AFX text path: C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo\Common Files\afx\
      !(BUW_TRAIL_MSG) ProError: PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR (tb_XML.cpp: 724)
  • The server installation was successful, and the client installation was also completed. Creo started on the desktop and crashed before the window was fully opened. The user is a Windows 10 system
  • Creo is not opening after installing
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