Article - CS413687

Disabling the only Admin user of a Project through REST API V1 "PUT /rest/user" succeeds with HTTP 200 response although no change is done in Codebeamer

Modified: 25-Mar-2024   

Applies To

  • Codebeamer 9.x to 2.1


  • When disabling the only Project Administrator for a project through System Admin > User Accounts menu, Codebeamer will show the message User [<userId>] <user name> cannot be disabled as he or she is the only Project Admin in the following project(s): <project id ><project name>:
  • When performing the same operation through REST API V1 PUT /rest/user with a JSON payload similar to the below:
    • {
        "uri" : "/user/1",
        "status" : "Disabled"
  • The request will appear to succeed (Codebeamer will return HTTP 200 status response):
    • image.png
  • Yet, the user won't be disabled:
    • image.png
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