Error "(-15) Cannot connect to license server system" while launching FLEXnet enabled applications
Applies To
- Creo Parametric 1.0 to 11.0
- Mathcad Prime 1.0 to 10.0
- Mathcad 14.0 to 15.0
- Arbortext IsoDraw CADprocess 7.0 to 7.4
- PTC Arbortext Editor 6.0 to 8.2
- Creo Illustrate 6.0 to 10.1
- Creo View 4.0 to 11.0
- PTC Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher 11.0 to 12.0
- PTC Arbortext Layout Developer 12.0 to 12.1
- PTC Arbortext Layout Editor 12.1
- PTC FLEXnet Admin License Server
- Unable to start Creo Parametric with below error message
- License request failed for feature XXX
- (-15) Cannot connect to license server system
- Error when opening a .3d file:
- Unable to connect to license server.
Requesting ArbortextAPPServer
-15: Cannot connect to license server
- Unable to connect to license server.
- ptc_d.log file reports: (ptc_d) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 28 Exit reason 5
- Unable to start the license server for PTC FlexNet installed from Creo CD image
- Unable to start Flexnet Admin license server 11.11 on Windows server 2003
- Repeated failure of PTC licensing service on Flexnet Admin license server
- Unable to launch Creo Parametric with error (-15) Cannot connect to license server system when configured Creo with the server using 7788@IPaddress
- Error when launching Mathcad: -15, 10. System error 10061 ‘WinSock: Connection refused’
- Error -15, 10032 occurs while starting LMGRD based license manager
- Flexnet license manager frequently goes down with error -15, Cannot connect to license server system
- Error -15, 10. System Error: 10013 "WinSock: Access is denied" in Server Status of LMTOOLS while starting the license manager
- Error via VPN: License machine is down or not responding
- "HostID" Errors ( -96, -15, -9) for Pro/ENGINEER and the FLEXnet License Server
- Although Creo Parametric can run, running ptcstatus.bat will get the message that warning(-15): Cannot connect to license server system.
- The ptcstatus.bat displays an Error "(-15): Cannot connect to license server system" on a system where Creo Parametric could be launched without any licensing error
- The application shows an error: "(-96) License server host is down or not responding" or error: "(-15) Cannot connect to license server system" when configured with a license server
- The application shows an error: "License request failed for feature PROE_Foundation: -9: Invalid host." or error: (-15) Cannot connect to license server system" when configured with a locked license.
- FLEXnet License Server error log may contain messages similar to the following: Error: Wrong hostid on SERVER line for license file: <flexnet loadpoint>\licensing\license.dat
- Error "Vendor daemon can't talk to lmgrd (Cannot connect to license server system. (-15,10:10061 "WinSock: Connection refused"))" reported in ptc_d.log file while configuring license server
- FlexNet Licensing error:-16,10009. System Error: 10054 "WinSock: Connection reset by peer".
- Cannot access license from license server using local computer
- Error "-15, Cannot connect to license server" while launching Creo Parametric only when VPN is connected.
- Error (-15) Cannot connect to license server occurs after every restart of license server and when Windows Firewall is turned ON.
- Getting the error message "License request failed for feature XXXXXXXXX": "(-15) Cannot connect to license server system"" after Windows 11 version 24H2 updates,