Article - CS50545

What are recommended configurations for McAfee or other antivirus scan tools and applications on client workstations running Creo Parametric or Windchill Workgroup Manager connected to Windchill environments

Modified: 08-Jan-2025   

Applies To

  • Creo Parametric 4.0 to 11.0
  • Windchill PDMLink 10.2 to 12.1
  • Windchill PDMLink 10.2 to 13.0
  • Windchill Workgroup Manager
  • Windchill Visualization Services 


  • When running Creo or Windchill Workgroup Manager (MCAD or ECAD) connected to Windchill environments on client workstations running McAfee Anti-virus or other virus scan tools, you may observe the following symptoms:
    • The Windchill Workgroup Manager fails to launch after having launched successfully at first time, following installation and may show error:
Unable to connect to Windchill Workgroup Manager. If more than one instance of the authoring application is running, the new one will run disconnected.
  • Windchill Workgroup Manager shows error on Startup:
Actions Delete/Rename/Move Folder/File are not allowed in Windchill File System. Perform these actions in Windchill Server.
  • Save to Workspace from the CAD Application fails with error:
<Cache>PTC Places/Workspace/xxx.prt -File not found
  • Retrieval of a SolidWorks CAD Documents fails with error message on Open in SolidWorks:
C:\USERS\PTC Places\<cadname>.SLDPRT does not exist

Failed to open in SolidWorks 2018 XXX.SLDPRT. Failed to establish connection with SolidWorks 2018. Try launching SolidWorks 2018 manually for troubleshooting
  • Launching Workgroup Manager starts uwgm_client.exe however creoagent.exe is killed within a second and error message "Invalid Server Location" is displayed after long time after registering the server
  • Unable to work with AutoCAD integrated with Windchill Workgroup Manager due to error -
    • Windchill file system failed to initialize. AutoCAD 2021 will not be connected with Windchill Workgroup Manger
  • Write access or user rights on the Windchill Workgroup Manager cache folder appear to be restricted
  • Workerdaemon.exe running in the foreground to on the worker machine for Solidworks is killed automatically
  • The PTC WFS Controller service is started but the Commonspace and Workspace are locations are not accessible through the Windchill File System
  • The uwgm_client.exe process is running but no UI is presented
  • Launching Windchill Workgroup Manager results in the authoring program and uwgm_client.exe being hung indefinitely
  • Reinitializing cache locations resolve the issue, but only temporarily
  • Windchill is extremely slow when switching workspaces
  • Creo and Windchill Workgroup Manager needs to read, write and delete files for any given Windchill PDM operation any time. Hence it needs exclusive access to function correctly. Any failure while working with cache file is treated as exception or operation failure and could lead to cache corruption meaning cache is not usable
  • Solidworks takes more than an hour to retrieve files in a linked session when it should take 3-4 minutes when scanning/protecting the system with "CrowdStrike Endpoint Protection"
  • Creo Parametric exits second time after starting while it work well when connected to Windchill with fatal error.
  • Running Windchill Workgroup Manager causes client machine to freeze and stops responding for various actions
  • Publish job fails with error "Returned file does not exists"
  • Worker Fails to start Windows Defender Service MsMpEng.exe scans the WorkerDaemon.exe, workerhelper.exe, workermonitor.exe and Creo View Adapters installation folder
  • Randomly the Publish job fails with error Worker was stopped when anti virus like CyOptics.exe (Cylance Optics ) is running on the worker machine
  • After saving a file in SolidWorks several times, the following message appears and the file cannot be saved:
Failed to save document
  • OFFICE worker fails to publish randomly with error worker was stopped when the mssense.exe file scans the worker folders and processes
  • CATIA Worker fails to publish due to error when anti virus Softmon.exe scans CATIA worker folder and processes
    • catia5_pv Error:13031: WWGM worker not available, cannot access Windchill dataset
    • catia5_pv Error:3: Input File Not Found
    • catia5_pv Warning: Child lost connection to Parent
  • Random publish job failure for OFFICE and PROE worker with error "Problem copying all files There are no more files
  • Windchill Workgroup Manager exits prematurely immediately upon launching and sometime the login window does not return the control to Workgroup Manager even after entering correct credenttial after clearing the client cache ( MsMpEng.exe , mssense.exe and ZSATunnel.exe are scanning the WGM installation folder)
  • Random OFFICE worker publishing failure with error doc2pv Fatal: Received signal 22, terminating when antivirus xagt.exe ( FireEye Endpoint Security by FireEye) scans the worker folder and processes
  • Random failure to generate the thumbnail for Creo and Catia Cad documents by dedicated thumbnail worker when Windows Defender msmpeng.exe and mssense.exe scan the worker folder
    • Helper: Connection to worker has been closed. Restarting worker...
    • No Thumbnail created by the worker
  • Running Workerdaemon as service, shows error "sw2pv Error:58001: Failed to load SW Adapter "D:\PTC\creo_view_adapters_91\x86e_win64\lib\sw2pv_28.dll" however it works without any error when running the workerdaemon in foreground
  • Accessing Tools > Windchill File System Management menu in WGM shows the error - Access Denied: Folder with no read permissions cannot be selected for Windchill File System Folder Location as CSFalconService.exe scans the Windchill Workgroup Manager processes
  • Synchronizing workspace from Windchill Workgroup Manager fails with Failed to open in XXX: YYY. YYY does not exist.
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