Article - CS148941

Receiving errors A11118 and A31438 when opening a document in Arbortext Editor

Modified: 08-Jan-2016   

Applies To

  • PTC Arbortext Editor 5.4


  • Receiving errors A11118 and A31438 when opening a document
    • [A11118] Document "testcase.xml"
    • Turning context rules on would cause <para> to be out of context.
    • Context rules are still off.
    • [A31438] Context checking should only be turned off temporarily to accomplish complex edits during which the document structure is invalid, but after which it is valid again.
    • While context checking is off, the Editor does not perform certain automatic operations which would keep the document's structure valid. Thus the longer you work without context checking, the more likely your document will be to contain context errors.
    • Documents which are structurally invalid may not be importable by other SGML applications.
    • To turn context checking on, select the Context Rules item in the Tools menu. if there are any context errors, checking will not be turned on, an error message will describe the error, and the cursor will be positioned at the point of the error.  Correct the error, and then turn context checking on again, repeating this process until there are no errors.
  • Quick tags show many more tags than before the context error.
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