Article - CS338740

Windchill 12.0.1 PSI has aborted when installing Info*engine module.

Modified: 23-Jul-2024   

Applies To

  • Windchill PDMLink 10.0 to 12.1


  • Windchill 12.0.1 PSI has aborted when installing Info*engine module.
  • DEBUG  2021-02-08 14:38:34 - Processing assembly 'ie', instreg version: 5 
    DEBUG  2021-02-08 14:38:34 - Removing previous file: D:\ptc\Windchill_12.0\Windchill\codebase\instreg\registry. 
    DEBUG  2021-02-08 14:38:34 - Copying D:\ptc\Windchill_12.0\Windchill\installer\instreg\registry to D:\ptc\Windchill_12.0\Windchill\codebase\instreg\registry. 
    DEBUG  2021-02-08 14:38:34 - Removing previous file: D:\ptc\Windchill_12.0\Windchill\codebase\instreg\ie.ia. 
    DEBUG  2021-02-08 14:38:34 - Copying D:\ptc\Windchill_12.0\Windchill\installer\instreg\ie.ia to D:\ptc\Windchill_12.0\Windchill\codebase\instreg\ie.ia. 
    DEBUG  2021-02-08 14:38:34 - ----- End: com.ptc.windchill.util.install.RegisterProductInstallation @ 196954001 ----- 
    DEBUG  2021-02-08 14:38:34 - Retrying Installables deferred in pass 0 
    DEBUG  2021-02-08 14:38:34 - Deferral retries done because: 
    DEBUG  2021-02-08 14:38:34 - There were no deferrals in the last pass.
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