Article - CS368597

In Vuforia Studio when publishing some Projects, it fails with error "The project contains data that is too large or complex"

Modified: 04-May-2022   

Applies To

  • Vuforia Experience Service 8.0.0 N/A to 9.2.0 F000


  • In Vuforia Studio when publishing some Projects, it fails with error message :
  • Uh-oh! Publish failed. Most likely, it's due to one of the following reasons:
The project contains data that is too large or complex
The server was busy (in this case, publish may succeed if tried again later)
  • Issue is only reproducible when using HTTPS URL of Vuforia Experience Service who pass by a proxy server
  • When using HTTP URL to access directly to Vuforia Experience Service, issue doesn't occurs
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