Article - CS398628

OLE Objects in a specific drawing disappear (and then reappear) after each "Save" in Creo Parametric

Modified: 23-Jul-2024   

Applies To

  • Creo Parametric to
  • Creo Parametric 1.0 to


  • OLE Objects in a specific drawing disappear (and then reappear) in Graphical Area after each Save in Creo Parametric
  • Objects created via Paint are no longer visible after saving
  • Images are not showing up after opening a drawing
  • Whatever if displayed or not (based on an even or odd number of Save actions), they are always:
    1. listed in >Layout >Objects Tab
    2. Eligible (with Right Mouse CLick) to be Edited or Opened
    3. If they are not visible in graphical area upon retrieval, Editing or Opening them does not help to restore the expected graphical dispaly
    4. "update_drawing all" is unfortunately useless
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