Article - CS291231

Configuring ThingWorx ODataConnector and Windchill to use Windchill Authentication

Modified: 30-Jan-2025   

Applies To

  • Windchill Navigate (formerly ThingWorx Navigate) 1.6.0 to 9.6
  • ThingWorx Platform 8.1 to 9.6


  • Configuring ODataConnector and Windchill to use Windchill authentication
  • The ptc-windchill-OData-connector GetEndpointList and other services fail with Metadata transformer expected 2 metadatas and received 0 actual caused by a 401 error
  • ptc-windchill-OData-connector shows Failed status with 401-Unauthorized message
  •  Add a script to the GetCustomHeaderParameters service in order to set the Remote User, by setting wt.effectiveUid to the CurrentUser in the script
  • ValidateConnection Service from ptc-windchill-OData-connector fails with error 403 - 403
  • When configuring the ptc-windchill-OData-connector using Windchill Authentication it fails to connect to Windchill
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