What are the reasons for failure to publish Creo Parametric files with the error "Failure to retrieve <filename> name <name> (err = -4)" for or "...(err = -1)" in Windchill PDMLink
Applies To
- Windchill PDMLink 9.1 to 12.1
- Creo View Adapters 1.0 to 11.1
- Creo Parametric 1.0 to 11.0
- Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Elements/Pro Wildfire 4.0 to Wildfire 5.0
- ProductView Adapters and Creo Elements/View Adapters 12.1 to 13.0
- Windchill Visualization Services (WVS)
- Failed to publish Creo Parametric assemblies (.asm), parts (.prt) or drawings (.drw)
- The affected CAD File can be added to workspace and opened in linked session, but the regeneration remains in yellow status
- Error message is reported in worker.log:
- New Creo drawings created using Save As fails to publish
- Getting retrieval error through initiating publishing with one user account only
- Publishing fails with the error in MethodServer, BackGroundMethodServer log:
ERROR [ajp-nio-] com.ptc.windchill.uwgm.proesrv.rrc.RRCContentHelper "user" - RRCContentHelper.setPVContentUrl :: Cannot obtain content URLs (wt.content.contentResource/65) wt.access.NotAuthorizedException: ATTENTION: Secured Action. File download access denied. You do not have permission to download this file. at wt.content.ContentDownloadAccessDelegate.checkAccess(ContentDownloadAccessDelegate.java:151) at wt.content.ContentDownloadAccessHelper.hasDownloadAccess(ContentDownloadAccessHelper.java:330) at wt.content.ContentDownloadAccessHelper.checkDownloadAccess(ContentDownloadAccessHelper.java:120) at wt.fv.master.RedirectDownload.getApplicationDataHTTPURLs(RedirectDownload.java:2617)
- Publishing fails with error in the Publish Monitor Job Details: