Routed Systems Design

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What is routed systems design?

Routed systems is a series of tools used to automate, design, and analyze piping, cabling and harness projects. These tools help design engineers to improve costs, quality and time-to-market.

  • Creo Schematics is a comprehensive cable and piping solution used to rapidly create 2D schematics and logic data.
  • The Piping and Cabling Extension (PCX) can help engineers automate the routing of 3D cable and piping systems. PCX can also be used to model and modify automated routes laid out from 2D schematic data.
  • Clearance and Creepage Extension (CCX) can be used to analyze and optimize models for electrical product safety.
  • Harness Manufacturing Extension (HMX) helps engineers automate the flattening of complicated cabling systems into a simple manufacturing document.

The associativity between Creo and these extensions means that any schematics or piping changes are automatically reflected in the manufacturing drawings.

<p>The associativity between Creo and these extensions means that any schematics or piping changes are automatically reflected in the manufacturing drawings.</p>

Reduce operational costs

Reduce errors, late-stage redesign, rework and scrap. Eliminate reliance on physical prototypes and manual routings.

Reduce errors, late-stage redesign, rework and scrap. Eliminate reliance on physical prototypes and manual routings.

Improve product quality

Eliminate error prone interpretation of 2D schematics and automatically validate 3D routings.

Eliminate error prone interpretation of 2D schematics and automatically validate 3D routings.

Speed time-to-market

Create schematic designs quickly and easily. Automate the routing of cable, piping, harness projects referencing 2D schematic logic.

Create schematic designs quickly and easily. Automate the routing of cable, piping, harness projects referencing 2D schematic logic.

Creo Schematics: Create 2D schematics for automating 3D routing

Creo Schematics simplifies the creation of cabling routes and is a comprehensive 2D diagramming solution. It allows you to organize logic data to enable the automation of routes for 3D cables and piping systems within the Piping and Cabling extension (PCX).

Creo Schematics integrates with PCB applications and can be used to interpret:

  • Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID),
  • Process Flow Diagrams (PFD),
  • Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC),
  • Block, Circuit, and Wiring Diagrams


A better way to design and automate cabling, piping and harnesses

The extensions below work within Creo for seamless interoperability. Changes in one extension translates across the board for a unified designing experience. This associativity eliminates errors and provides a means for quick validation. Eliminate your reliance on physical prototypes and manual routings. Automate every step of the way and reduce design cycles.

Piping and cabling extension (PCX)

Clearance and creepage (CCX)

Harness modeling extension (HMX)