Article - CS24438

How does "Remove Unreferenced Files" function work in Windchill PDMLink

Modified: 10-Dec-2024   

Applies To

  • Windchill PDMLink 6.2 to 13.1


  • How does Remove Unreferenced Files function work?
  • What does Remove Unreferenced Files function do?
  • How to decide which files are Unreferenced?
  • Are files removed after a Revaulting session?
  • Are files removed from vaults after deleting objects?
  • How does Windchill delete unused files? Can the deleted files be recovered?
  • How the Unreferenced files be defined? Any risk if Unreferenced files are deleted?
  • What are the methods for freeing up drive storage space on Windchill machine? As running out of space for the file vault
  • Is it possible to retrieve an attachment to ECN from the file vault after it has been deleted?
  • Will Remove Unreferenced Files be immediately reflected in disk space? 
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