Article - CS25650
Creo View: PVIEW_BATCH Command-line Syntax is Not Currently Documented.
Modified: 16-Aug-2022
Applies To
- PTC Arbortext Content Manager 10.0 F000 to M020
- Pro/INTRALINK 8.x + 10.0 F000 to M020
- Windchill PDMLink 10.0 F000 to M020
- Creo View 1.0 M010 to M020
- Creo View Adapters 1.0 M010 to M020
- ProductView and Creo Elements/View 10.0 F000
- ProductView Adapters and Creo Elements/View Adapters 13.0 F000
- The syntax of the pview_batch.exe command is currently undocumented
- Both the Creo View Adapters Batch Print Engine and Interference Engine product modules make use of the pview_batch command in order to perform their task
- The Thumbnail Generator (PVSTHUMB) also calls pview_batch in order to create 2D Thumbnail Images for Document and Drawing format viewables
- The pview_batch command can also be used to perform command-line printing operations
- Command-line printing using pview_batch requires access to the PV_BATCH_PRINT license feature
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