Article - CS349044

Types of Network adapters compatible to work with Creo Parametric and Mathcad Prime

Modified: 08-Aug-2024   

Applies To

  • Creo Parametric
  • Mathcad Prime 8.0 to 10.0
  • Creo Parametric 8.0 to 11.0
  • Arbortext IsoDraw CADprocess 7.4


  • Which network adapters are compatible
  • Are non-physical adapters compatible 
  • Are USB adapters supported for the Flexnet license server
  • Are Virtual adapters supported
  • Creo can't detect the mac address in Creo license file, this mac address comes from a non-physical adapter.
  • Use the stand-alone Flex net admin installation package to install the licensing service, and the message "The file or format is invalid" is displayed. The MAC address has been checked and it matches.
  • The installation of the license server shows that the IP address does not match. After checking the card in the license and the actual ipconfig, it is found that it is the network card of the roommate. I have tried to change the order of the cards, but there is still a problem (Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx)
  • Error "Incorrect Host ID" observed during installation of Creo Parametric
    • Error.png
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