アーティクル - CS280614
[1,018 データストアの不明なエラー:[モデルプロバイダにアクセス中にエラーが発生しました。]" ThingWorx Platform でエンティティを作成、インポート、または更新するときにエラーが発生する
修正日: 25-Oct-2024
- ThingWorx Platform 8.5 to 9.5
- PostgreSQL/MSSQL
- ThingWorx Platform でエンティティを作成、更新、またはインポートできません
- エンティティは Composer では見つかりませんが、データベースにコミットされています
- 次のエラーが Composer に表示され、 <ThingworxStorage>logs/ApplicationLog.logに記録されます。
Unable to create thing:<name>: [1,018] Data store unknown error:[Error occurred while accessing the model provider.]
[1,018] Data store unknown error: [Error occurred while accessing the model provider.]
- ErrorLog.log に以下のエラーがあり、Thing の削除に失敗しました:
JavaException: java.lang.Exception: Unable to delete thing: [####] Unable to dispose thing: [####] com.thingworx.common.exceptions.DataAccessException: [2,000] Error occurred while accessing the data provider
- 次のエラーが<ThingworxStorage>logs/ErrorLog.logに記録されます。
[L: ERROR] [O: E.c.q.l.c.Logger] [I: ] [U: <username>] [S: ] [P: ] [T: https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-3817] Error thrown creating entity = <entity_name>: Unable to create <entity_type>: [1,018] Data store unknown error: [Error occurred while accessing the model provider.] [L: ERROR] [O: E.c.q.l.c.Logger] [I: ] [U: <username>] [S: ] [P: ] [T: https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-3817] Unable to process import: Unable to create <entity_type>: [1,018] Data store unknown error: [Error occurred while accessing the model provider.] [L: ERROR] [O: E.c.q.l.c.Logger] [I: ] [U: <username>] [S: ] [P: ] [T: https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-3817] Import Failed: Unable to create group: [1,018] Data store unknown error: [Error occurred while accessing the model provider.] java.lang.Exception: Unable to create group: [1,018] Data store unknown error: [Error occurred while accessing the model provider.] ... Wrapped by: java.lang.Exception: Import Failed: Unable to create group: [1,018] Data store unknown error: [Error occurred while accessing the model provider.] ... [L: ERROR] [O: E.c.q.l.c.Logger] [I: ] [U: <username>] [S: ] [P: ] [T: http-nio-8080-exec-161] [1,018] Data store unknown error: [Error occurred while accessing the model provider.] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: permission denied for table <table> Where: SQL statement "INSERT INTO <table> ( ... ) VALUES ( ... )" Wrapped by: com.thingworx.common.exceptions.ModelAccessException: [1,018] Data store unknown error: [Error occurred while accessing the model provider.]
最新バージョンはこちらを参照ください CS280614