기술 문서 - CS226497

FAQ - Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill

수정한 날짜: 05-Sep-2024   

적용 대상

  • Windchill PDMLink 11.0 to 13.0
  • FlexPLM 11.0 to 11.1


  • Is there an FAQ for Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill?
  • What is Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill?
  • What data is collected by Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill?
  • What is the difference between the Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill and PTC System Monitor (PSM)?
  • How does the Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill track license usage?
  • Does PTC sell or share my information with third parties?
  • How can I control what to send and when to send it?
  • Can a customer add additional data sources to the stream to be presented in the dashboard?
  • How will PTC notify customers when there are changes to what is collected by Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill?
  • How can I display user names instead of UUIDs?
  • Who can see my data in the dashboard?
  • Can all users see the dashboard?
  • Will Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill work on a network, not connected to the Internet?
  • How is information encrypted to be kept safe and private?
  • Is there a performance impact on PTC Windchill by enabling Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill?
  • What releases and datecodes are supported for use with Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill?
  • How can I log support cases against Performance Advisor?
  • What happens to logged data if the network is down, is it lost?
  • What data and how is data anonymized?
  • Is there a security and privacy document that can be reviewed by IT and legal departments?
  • Is there a patch available for PTC Windchill 10.2?
  • Will the 10.2 WPA Patch conflict with CPS Updates or other Patches?
  • How to configure the Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill to use a proxy server
  • How add the mashup for the dashboard for Windchill Performance advisor
  • Will Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill work on a network, not connected to the Internet?
이는 기술 문서 226497의 PDF 버전이며, 구 버전일 수 있습니다. 최신 버전 CS226497