기술 문서 - CS294238

Not all records are returned when the total number is more than 2000 when using WRS (Windchill REST Services, OData) API (Application Program Interface) in Windchill PDMLink

수정한 날짜: 25-Sep-2024   

적용 대상

  • Windchill PDMLink 11.0 to 13.0
  • Windchill REST Services (WRS) 1.5 - 2.6


  • $top parameter is not taken into account
  • 25 elements are shown always even if $top is set to a different value
  • How to add Custom Header 'Prefer' to all ODataConnector Route services
  • Only return 25 elements when get part bom using Windchill/servlet/odata/ProdMgmt/Parts('VR:wt.part.WTPart:xxxxx')/Uses
  • Only return 25 elements when get Described by link using Windchill/servlet/odata/ProdMgmt/Parts('OR:wt.part.WTPart:xxxxx')/DescribedBy
  • Only able to fetch 2000 users at a time using prefer key in headers when using WRS API(Windchill/servlet/odata/v4/PrincipalMgmt/Users)
  • How to retrieve more than 2000 users or all users at a time when total users number is more than 2000?
  • How to increase the number of max return element number?
  • Not all records returned when get documents by name using rest API
  • Not able to get all the records/parts using ODATA REST APIs
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