기술 문서 - CS62543

Registration or connection to a Windchill server in the Windchill Workgroup Manager fails with "The server is not supported" or "The client and server <hostname> do not match..."

수정한 날짜: 03-Jul-2023   

적용 대상

  • Windchill PDMLink 9.0 to 12.1
  • Windchill ProjectLink 9.0 to 11.2
  • Pro/INTRALINK 8.x + 9.0 to 11.2
  • Windchill PDM Essentials 10.1 to 11.2
  • Windchill Workgroup Manager


  • Registration or connection to the Windchill server with the Windchill Workgroup Manager (WWGM) fails with one of the following errors:
  • The server is not supported.
  • The client and server <URL> do not match.  Server version ##.#.## is not supported by this client build (##.#.##.#). See your Windchill Administrator about downloading the compatible client.
  • Invalid server location. Please change the "Location" field and try again.

Error Screenshot

Error Screenshot
  • What steps are required on client machines when a new release of the WWGM is installed on Windchill server?
  • While publishing Windchill Workgroup Manager shows error:-
    • The client and server <URL> do not match.  Server version ##.#.## is not supported by this client build (##.#.##.#). See your Windchill Administrator about downloading the compatible client.
이는 기술 문서 62543의 PDF 버전이며, 구 버전일 수 있습니다. 최신 버전 CS62543