기술 문서 - CS64587

There is no STEP (*.stp) file type when saving a copy in Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Elements/Pro

수정한 날짜: 22-Sep-2015   

적용 대상

  • Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Elements/Pro Wildfire to Wildfire 5.0
  • Creo Parametric 1.0 to 3.0


  • There is no step file type when saving a copy
  • Unable to save a model as STEP (*.stp)
  • STEP (*.stp) option is not available while trying to save a copy of model
이는 기술 문서 64587의 PDF 버전이며, 구 버전일 수 있습니다. 최신 버전 CS64587