技術文章 - CS31228
Error "Unable to launch Application because no valid configuration (*.psf) files were found. Please run "ptcsetup" from your installation "bin" directory and create a PTC Startup File. This is needed for Application to launch succesfully" while launching
修改時間: 03-May-2017
- Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Elements/Pro Wildfire to Wildfire 5.0
- Creo Direct 1.0
- Creo Parametric 1.0
- Creo Schematics 1.0
- Error "Unable to launch Application because no valid configuration (*.psf) files were found. Please run "ptcsetup" from your installation "bin" directory and create a PTC Startup File. This is needed for Application to launch succesfully." while launching Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire releases, Creo Elements/Pro 5.0 & Creo 1.0
- Getting the error message "Unable to launch Application because no valid configuration (*.psf) files were found......" while starting the application
This is a PDF version of Article 31228 and may be out of date. For the latest version CS31228