PTC 隆重推出 Creo 10 和 Creo+,这是这款屡获殊荣、性能强劲且易用的 CAD 系统的最新版本。Creo 可帮助您在更短的时间内交付更好的设计,还推出全新的复合工具,增强了电气化和人体工程学设计、基于模型的定义 (MBD)、仿真设计以及制造功能。您可通过 SaaS 获取 Creo+,体验基于云的创新型实时协同工具,简化许可证管理和部署。
Creo 所提供的坚实的 CAD 功能基础能够满足各种工程需求。PTC 提供多种 CAD 软件包和众多扩展,能够满足您的特定设计要求。探索可供您和您的团队使用的广泛且丰富的 Creo 功能。
Creo 基于之前的 Pro/ENGINEER、CoCreate 和 ProductView 而构建,包括一系列产品设计软件,可帮助公司释放组织内部的潜能。产品设计师和工程师可利用 Creo 提高工作效率,与客户和供应商更顺畅地分享数据和审查设计方案,并避免无法预料的服务和制造问题。
Pro/ENGINEER、CoCreate 和 ProductView 提供了 Creo 愿景的基本要素,为 2D 和 3D CAD、CAE、CAM、CAID 和可视化带来经过验证的卓越性能。Creo 既保护您在这些产品中的现有投资,也着眼于未来。
PTC Creo | 新的愿景,同一条成功之路。
原产品 |
新产品 |
模块 |
Pro/ENGINEER Advanced Assembly Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Advanced Mechanica |
Pro/ENGINEER Advanced Rendering |
Creo Advanced Rendering Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Behavioral Modeling Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Complete Machining |
Creo Complete Mold Design Extension |
Creo Complete Mold Design Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Computer-Aided Verification |
Creo Computer-Aided Verification Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Distributed Pro/BATCH |
Pro/ENGINEER ECAD-MCAD Collaboration Extension |
Creo ECAD-MCAD Collaboration Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Expert Framework Extension |
Creo Advanced Framework Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Expert Mold Base Extension |
Creo Expert Mold Base Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Fatigue Advisor |
Pro/ENGINEER Interactive Surface Design Extension |
Creo Interactive Surface Design Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Manikin Analysis Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Manikin Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica |
Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics |
Pro/ENGINEER NC Sheetmetal |
Creo NC Sheetmetal Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Piping and Cabling Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Prismatic and Multi-Surface Milling |
Creo Prismatic and Multi-Surface Milling Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Progressive Die |
Creo Progressive Die Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Reverse Engineering |
Creo Reverse Engineering Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Routed Systems Designer |
Pro/ENGINEER Spark Analysis Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Tolerance Analysis Extension |
Pro/ENGINEER Tool Design |
Creo Tool Design Extension |
Pro/TOOLKIT Customization API |
Pro/ENGINEER Interface for CATIA II With ATB |
Pro/ENGINEER Interface for CATIA V5 With ATB |
Pro/ENGINEER Interface for JT |
Creo Interface for JT |
Pro/ENGINEER Interface for Unigraphics With ATB |
软件包 |
Pro/ENGINEER Foundation XE |
版本 |
Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition |
Creo Schools Edition |
Pro/ENGINEER University Edition |
Creo University Edition |
原产品 |
新产品 |
CoCreate |
模块 |
CoCreate Modeling |
CoCreate Model Manager |
Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager |
CoCreate Drafting |
Creo Elements/Direct Drafting |
CoCreate 2D Access |
Creo Elements/Direct 2D Access |
CoCreate 3D Access |
CoCreate Advanced Design |
CoCreate Advanced Mechanica |
CoCreate BOM Editor |
Creo Elements/Direct BOM Editor |
CoCreate Cabling |
CoCreate Drawing Manager |
Creo Elements/Direct Drawing Manager |
CoCreate Finite Element Analysis |
CoCreate Mold Base |
Creo Elements/Direct Mold Base |
CoCreate Sheet Metal |
Creo Elements/Direct Sheet Metal |
CoCreate Surfacing |
Creo Elements/Direct Surfacing |
CoCreate Task Agent |
Creo Elements/Direct Task Agent |
CoCreate Interface for Adobe 3D PDF |
Creo Elements/Direct Interface for Adobe 3D PDF |
CoCreate Interface for CATIA V4 |
Creo Elements/Direct Interface for CATIA V4 |
CoCreate Interface for |
Creo Elements/Direct Interface for I-deas |
CoCreate Interface for Inventor |
Creo Elements/Direct Interface for Inventor |
CoCreate Interface for Lattice XVL |
Creo Elements/Direct Interface for Lattice XVL |
CoCreate Interface for NX |
Creo Elements/Direct Interface for NX |
CoCreate Interface for Pro/ENGINEER |
Creo Elements/Direct Interface for Elements/Pro |
CoCreate Interface for Solid Edge |
Creo Elements/Direct Interface for Solid Edge |
CoCreate Interface for SolidWorks |
Creo Elements/Direct Interface for SolidWorks |
eDrawings Professional for CoCreate Modeling |
eDrawings Professional for Creo Elements/Direct Modeling |
CoCreate Multi-site |
Creo Elements/Direct Multi-site |
CoCreate Part Library |
软件包 |
CoCreate Machine Productivity Package |
CoCreate Sheet Metal Productivity Package |
CoCreate Design Productivity Package |
原产品 |
新产品 |
ProductView |
模块 |
ProductView Lite |
ProductView Express |
ProductView Adapters |
ProductView Toolkits |
ProductView ECAD Compare |
ProductView Validate for Model-Based Design |
ProductView PDF Collaboration |
ProductView MCAD Professional |
InterComm Expert |
Creo Elements/View Animator |
Creo Elements/View Interference Analysis |