Develop Your First Vuforia Studio Experience

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Recommended Steps
Overview: Develop Your First Vuforia Studio Experience

Create a Rollout Plan

Plan how your organization will introduce Vuforia Studio. A thorough rollout plan helps you navigate change and achieve value from augmented reality.

01. Establish your business continuity plan

As usage grows across your organization, more workers will rely on augmented reality to perform their jobs. Similar to other business systems and processes, your organization should have a backup plan in case of outages or disruptions. Workers should have ongoing access to training manuals, work instructions, or other materials that Vuforia Studio will replace.

If your AR use case includes integration with other enterprise data sources such as IoT, CRM, and MES systems, consider how those assets may cause or be affected by downtime. This ensures your organization will continue operating efficiently in case of outages.

02. Create training plan

Plan how you will teach employees to use augmented reality. As you develop a training plan, consider how to best train different communities of AR users. For example, employees in one department may be more technology savvy than those in another department. Or different communities may speak different languages. Your training approach will vary depending on your end users’ needs and your available resources.

The Vuforia View app is designed to be intuitive and easy to learn. But employees who are new to AR may need some hands-on training to get started.

Consider how you will deliver training. You could:

  • Host a hands-on workshop led by an expert
  • Create a “how-to” video or tutorial
  • Supply a job aid or cheat sheet
  • Create an instructional guide

End user training should cover:

  • What augmented reality is and how your organization is using it
  • How AR will affect their job or role
  • How to find and launch AR experiences
  • How to use AR experiences
  • How to navigate the AR experience on your chosen device
  • How to power on, wear, and use eyewear devices (if using)
  • How to get technical support
  • How to troubleshoot and report errors
  • How to access user documentation

If your end users work across many locations, determine how to coordinate training across sites.

Later in the project, you’ll test the AR experience with the people who will someday use it. This is a great opportunity to observe how much training they need to get started.

03. Manage configuration and source control

Various contributors will collaborate to build and maintain augmented reality experiences. For example, one or more developers will collaborate with a subject matter expert to design and create an AR experience. Others perform quality assurance and user acceptance testing in a closed environment. Finally, others are involved in publishing an AR experience to a production environment for use across the organization.

Configuration and source control (sometimes known as “DevOps”) outlines how these contributors manage the AR experience throughout its life cycle.

To begin outlining your configuration and source control process, answer these questions:

  • How will developers collaborate to build an experience?
  • How many Vuforia Experience Service environments will be available for development, testing, and production? You may have already determined your development environments earlier in the project.
  • Will your AR experiences use ThingMarks? If so, administer ThingMarks for each of the environments and keep careful track of how each ThingMark is being used.

04. Document your rollout plan

Your organization’s rollout plan helps ensure your organization is ready to roll out Vuforia Studio–get workers started using it. The specifics of your rollout plan will vary, depending on your organization’s use case.

Typically, a rollout plan outlines:

  • Who, specifically, will be using Vuforia Studio?
  • What will their roles be? Will they be developing, using, or managing AR experiences?
  • How will you communicate with them as they get started and beyond?
  • When and how should they receive training?
  • How will they get credentials that are required to log in?
  • When should they start using the software?
  • How will they access eyewear or mobile devices needed to view AR experiences?
  • How will they get help navigating and using Vuforia Studio?

This plan will communicate many of the decisions you made through execution planning. Document your rollout plan and share it accordingly.

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Create a Measurement Plan

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Create a Change Management Plan


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