Get Started with Creo+

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Recommended Steps
Overview: Get Started with Creo+

Plan Deployment

Plan how Creo+ will be deployed within your organization from a technical standpoint. Decide on the scope of who’ll use it first, and then create an implementation plan.

01. Determine product or project scope

Depending on the size of your organization, all end users may not adopt Creo+ at the same time. To determine which sites, teams, or products will start using Creo+ first, you can use similar criteria to License Entitlement and User Assignments.

  • How long are your product development cycles?

    • For example, do your projects last months, quarters, or years?

  • In what stage of the design or product lifecycle are you?

    • If early in the design or product stage, you could assign these products or teams to adopt Creo+ to build a robust design.
    • If late in the design or product stage, you could finish the product in the legacy CAD software before having those teams adopt Creo+.
  • Will there be minimal or dramatic changes to product designs in the future?

02. Create an implementation plan

Once you have determined who will adopt Creo+ first, plan out how Creo+ will be set up across your organization.

Install any additional hardware or software

If you purchased additional hardware or software to meet technical requirements, install those items before installing Creo+. 

If there is a delay in buying, receiving, or installing the hardware or software, also delay when those affected teams will adopt Creo+. 

Plan your software installation

Plan how Creo+ will be downloaded and installed across your organization. Your plan may be more or less complex depending on the size of your organization and the number of end users who will be adopting Creo+.

Consider these questions as you make your installation plan: 

  • Who will download the software installer?

    • Will the same person or group install Creo+ throughout the organization, or will it be different for different sites or groups?
    • Will you use a silent installation or will someone individually install Creo+ Parametric on users’ computers?

Plan integration testing with other systems

Make a list of all software that connects to your current CAD software and which groups currently use them.

PTC forms relationships with our partners to provide our customers with software and hardware compatibility. Visit our Platform Support page to search by product name or by partner name to see if your integrated software is compatible with your Creo+ version. 

Once you identify your integrated software and user groups, select a representative from each group to test those software connections once Creo+ is installed. If multiple departments are affected, include representatives from each department.

Create a test script to help your team get the most out of testing. Your test scripts should include:

  • Clear, concise, and brief steps that the tester will execute

    • Make your actions brief to make sure testers do not skip steps.
    • Having a well-written test script ensures that testers stay focused.
  • Expected result(s) in each step

    • Do not assume that testers will know the expected result on their own.
    • You will get more meaningful results and save time if the testers know the expected outcomes in advance.
    • Without the expected outcomes, testers may be confused and report false issues
Recommended Resources

03. Plan how to retire current CAD system

After you have determined when to retire your current CAD system, plan the steps you will take to retire it. Your plan will vary depending on your organization’s size and the speed in which your end users will adopt Creo+. 

Consider these questions and their impact to your business as you plan how to retire your current CAD system:

  • Have you finished data migration?

  • Who will uninstall your current CAD system from end users’ computers?

    • Will individual end users uninstall your current CAD system or will the system administrator or IT do a silent uninstallation?
  • What steps need to happen and when?

  • If your current CAD system is subscription-based, who will contact the CAD company to reduce or cancel your subscriptions?

04. Plan user acceptance testing

User acceptance testing (UAT) verifies whether Creo+ meets user requirements. UAT can also be another opportunity to build excitement by providing an opportunity for some users to try Creo+ before it goes live. The testers can act as ambassadors and help get other end users excited for adopting Creo+.

UAT should answer questions such as:

  • Can users use Creo+ and complete the test cases easily?
  • Is there any data or functionality missing?
  • Does Creo+ function correctly?
  • Does data flow from all integrated systems?

Document what to test in UAT and who is involved at each step. Be as thorough as possible. No task is too small to include. Make one overall testing plan that includes:

  • Data sources and data flow
  • Design specification/technical design
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Test procedures
  • Test cases
  • Environments and who has access to which ones
  • Security requirements
  • Results of quality assurance tests
  • Include within your testing plan the cadence in which testers will report errors, including how or where to report errors. Reporting errors quickly will save time.

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Plan CAD Data Migration

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Plan Communications


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