Get Started with Kepware+

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Recommended Steps
Overview: Get Started with Kepware+

Kickoff Your Implementation

Conduct a formal kickoff meeting with stakeholders and the project team to align on the project plan, schedule, roles and responsibilities, and a communication plan.

Before you begin, complete these steps:

01. Kickoff, Project Plan, and Schedules

It is essential that key team stakeholders meet for a formal kickoff meeting at the beginning of the initiative to collect requirements. The meeting is centered on business processes and technical aspects of the implementation. This can be done in person, remotely, or in combination. Discussing the project plan and other information as one unified group will help everyone move forward fully informed and prepared to commence the work on the project.

The team assembled during the Assemble a Team objective should receive timely notifications to confirm their availability for the meeting. A formal architecture plan with reference diagrams will also be helpful and should be a deliverable of the Plan Your Implementation objective if one does not already exist.

The schedule for implementing a Kepware+ solution can vary from several months to more than a year, depending on the customer’s use case, enterprise environment, timeline, and available resources. Discuss the steps and milestones developed during the previously held planning workshop.

02. Resources and Staffing

Typically, organizations hire contractors, integrators, or consultants to bridge skills gaps and achieve their use cases. If internal employees are non-existent or unavailable, employ outside resources. Verify that the individuals you hire have the Kepware experience to meet your project goals.

PTC’s Customer Success Management teams can help you plan, implement, and measure your Kepware+ initiative. Your PTC Customer Success Manager ensures you have the right mix of resources on your team. In addition, they will help make sure each contributor has extensive experience with the Kepware platform and is well-suited for the role.

Visit Assemble a Team for more information.

03. Communication Plan

A communication plan for a software implementation is a document that describes how, when, and to whom the implementation information will be communicated. It covers the following aspects:

  • The purpose of the communication, such as informing, engaging, or persuading the stakeholders
  • The means and tools of communication, such as email, phone, video conference, chat, or collaboration platforms
  • The frequency and timing of communication, such as weekly, biweekly, or monthly updates, reports, or meetings
  • The roles and responsibilities of communicators, such as who will initiate, deliver, receive, and respond to the communication
  • The feedback mechanism to address concerns and ensure stakeholders know how to get answers

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Plan Your Implementation

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Set Up Your Support Account


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