Upgrade Your Creo Parametric

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Recommended Steps
Overview: Upgrade Your Creo Parametric

Adjust Adoption and Communication Strategy

If your plan is to upgrade your Creo system and not take advantage of any new configurations or customizations, this objective will be straightforward for you to tackle. If you plan to take advantage of the impressive new functionality available, you’ll want to make sure to get your end users excited and ready to use them.

01. Understand Changes to End Users

Create a list of the personas in your organization who are involved in creating, supporting, and viewing in Creo. Then articulate what they need including in documentation to do their jobs.

Consider when, how, and for whom documentation will need to be available. Once you define each audience and end-user documentation needs, communicate this within your organization. Individuals responsible for creating documentation will have a clear picture of what needs to be included.

02. Document Training Plan for Users

Identify who your end users are and what they need to adopt the upgraded technology. They need to understand how the system will change and how it works now so they can continue to do their jobs. This is especially important for super-users—those in positions to help or direct others.

Each user may need different levels of understanding and education. Determine what level of documentation is necessary to inform them. You may need technical documentation, presentations, or instructional material. Be sure to update any existing training materials.

03. Create a Communication Plan

As part of change management, create a communication plan to connect with the appropriate audiences.

Use these questions to guide your communication plan:

  • Who are your audiences?
  • What does each audience care about the most?
  • What do they need to know to be successful?
  • When do they need to know it?
  • What are the existing or best channels to communicate through?
  • Who should deliver the message(s) for it to be effective?
  • How often should each audience be communicated with?
  • What do you need from your audiences at different points in time?
  • How can your audiences communicate with you?


Once all of these questions have been answered, consider how to update your change management plan. The key to a successful upgrade is a seamless transition for your end users.

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Document a Test Strategy

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Create a Project Plan


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