Develop Your First Vuforia Studio Experience

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Recommended Steps
Overview: Develop Your First Vuforia Studio Experience

Develop Behavioral Components

Program the assets in your augmented reality experience to respond to actions and events. Build the functionality gradually, testing it along the way.

01. Build the functionality

Now that the assets that make up your AR experience have been created, uploaded, and placed on screen; a developer will program them to function. The developer will use Vuforia Studio and write JavaScript to implement the functionality. They will refer to the prototype for guidance on how the AR experience should work and build it accordingly.

Developers typically write JavaScript to create elements and interactions. However, it’s possible to create AR experiences without writing JavaScript. You can use “widgets” to design and build, but customization is limited.

Build the functionality that makes your static assets interactive. For example:

  • Buttons, menus, and other interactive assets should respond when selected.
  • Depending on your design, a part or group of parts within the 3D model may be highlighted.
  • A warning or notification may get triggered at a particular point in the experience.

If your AR experience includes any animated sequences and they have not yet been developed, create them now. Animated sequences show objects moving through space, like a bolt unscrewing from an assembly. Modeling software like Creo Illustrate is required to create animated sequences. Someone familiar with CAD or 3D illustration can help. Upload the animated files to Vuforia Studio to incorporate them into the AR experience.

As you develop the AR experience, document any details that developers may need in the future. This documentation will help you make changes to existing experiences and create new solutions with Vuforia Studio.

Right now, the goal is to develop the AR experience so it works as intended. It won't look perfect yet. You'll improve the visual appearance of the experience later.

Recommended Resources

02. Test the functionality

At this stage, we recommend you test the AR experience to ensure it’s working correctly. Publish a “preview” of the experience and try it in a real environment. Ideally, the workers who will use the completed AR experience will help test it now. Test it on the device(s) your organization has chosen to view AR experiences.

Say you’re developing an AR experience to help workers perform quality checks on an assembly line. These workers will use either eyewear devices or tablets to view the AR experience. To test the functionality, observe workers using eyewear devices and tablets on the assembly line to do their jobs. Does everything function correctly? Can the workers figure out how to use it? Are there any bugs that get in the way? Does it make their job easier?

If you can’t test the experience with your future users, test it with anyone who’s available and willing to help. At this time, the most important thing is to make sure your in-progress AR experience works in the real world.

You may discover aspects of your AR design don’t work well in execution. Some bugs may be simple to fix. But larger issues may require you to revisit the design and rework your approach. The AR creation process is naturally iterative—do not be discouraged if development takes longer than expected.

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Develop Structural Components

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Develop Presentational Components


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