Develop Your First Vuforia Studio Experience

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Recommended Steps
Overview: Develop Your First Vuforia Studio Experience

Create a Change Management Plan

Ensure your organization is ready, willing, and able to function in a new business environment. An organizational change management plan will speed up your AR implementation and facilitate success.

01. Navigate changes in process and people

For the frontline workers, developers, designers, managers, and other employees who will be using Vuforia Studio—the world is changing. Your workforce will be adopting a new mindset, developing new skills, and learning new technology and processes. And while necessary, change can be difficult.

To help employees embrace change, plan to:

  • Communicate consistently
  • Listen openly to concerns and questions
  • Encourage participation
  • Share the benefits that AR will bring to the employees and organization as a whole
  • Obtain active and visible executive sponsorship
  • Dedicate resources to planning and enacting change management

PTC offers change management support services to help your organization navigate change and achieve your goals, faster.

02. Determine your compliance plan

Most Vuforia Studio experiences leverage CAD (Computer Aided Design) files. Some AR use cases involve job-based work instructions or procedures. For these use cases, there may be data security rules, and safety standards to consider.

Compliance questions to consider:

  • Is your organization required to maintain paper-based work instructions?
  • Are there data security rules you must follow for CAD/3D models?
  • Are there any rules or regulations that would prevent workers from using eyewear or mobile devices while performing procedures or servicing equipment?
  • Are workers required to document if, when, or how they perform a given procedure?

Plan how Vuforia Studio will affect your organization’s compliance processes. Identify who you should contact regarding compliance and involve them in your AR planning as soon as possible.

03. Document your change management plan

A change management plan specifies how an organization will transform from where it is today, to where it aims to be in the future. A successful change management process should be continuous: start with defining a vision and continue to measure progress after the change takes place.

Change management process:

  1. Define a compelling vision and clear objectives
  2. Ensure strong leadership and effective sponsorship
  3. Build and maintain ownership and accountability
  4. Align processes, organization, and culture
  5. Involve employees
  6. Provide adequate enablement and support
  7. Ensure stakeholder-specific communication
  8. Measure and monitor benefits realization continuously

Document your change management plan and share it accordingly. PTC offers change management support services to help your organization navigate change and achieve your goals, faster. Contact your PTC sales representative to learn more.

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Create a Rollout Plan

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Determine Device Management Strategy


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