Develop Your First Vuforia Studio Experience

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Overview: Develop Your First Vuforia Studio Experience

Define Your Augmented Reality Use Case

The possibilities for augmented reality are vast: Selecting the best possible application for AR is crucial for achieving value. Follow these steps to select the right use case.

Before you begin, complete this step:

01. Identify your business challenges

Ensure your AR initiative is focused on the right use case by identifying and outlining the challenges your business is facing. Not all of the challenges you list will be applicable to AR. While creating this list, it’s important to also document the impact each one has on your business and what value it would add if it were addressed.

Prioritize your list of business challenges, keeping impact and business value top of mind.

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02. Learn how other organizations use Vuforia Studio

To better understand how AR can address your business challenges, it can be useful to learn about other companies’ AR use cases—and what impact Vuforia Studio had on their business.

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03. Map business challenges to AR solutions

Now that you have a prioritized list of business challenges, delve into the top three. Answer these questions:

  • Pain Point: What is the business challenge you want to solve with AR? Where do you see opportunity?
  • Requirements: What do you want to do? What is the action?
  • Solution: How will AR solve your business challenge? This step will map your challenge to an AR solution.
  • Value: What will this do for the business? How will the solution achieve business value?

After answering these questions, you should determine which business challenges will align to AR solutions.

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04. Plan enterprise deployment

After you establish your augmented reality use case and execution plan, it’s important to plan the deployment of Vuforia Studio to your organization. You should consider where your data and applications currently live, where you will be deploying them to (on-premises or cloud), hardware coordination, security protocols, and any necessary training. 

It's important that your AR initiative team align with your IT team throughout your use case development and enterprise deployment. 

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05. Decide deployment details

Your organization has numerous options for deploying Vuforia Studio. Examine your use case, and consider these questions:

  1. Do you require an on-premises installation? Vuforia Studio can be installed on premises (on your organization’s in-house servers) or via cloud (on a secure, PTC-hosted server). If your organization requires an on-premises installation, additional configuration is necessary. Contact your PTC sales representative to discuss the costs and considerations of an on-premises deployment.
  2. Will your AR experiences use Internet of Things (IoT) data? Vuforia Studio incorporates real-time IoT data that helps service, manufacturing, and other workers be more effective. If your use case requires IoT data, consider ThingWorx industrial IoT solutions.
  3. Will your AR experiences use numerous animated sequences? Vuforia Studio enables you to visualize objects moving in space: for example, showing the assembly or disassembly of a product. If your use case requires creating many animated sequences, you may consider licensing Creo Illustrate—a technical illustration tool.

Consult the appropriate stakeholders to decide how you will deploy Vuforia Studio. Depending on your needs, your AR initiative may benefit from additional PTC software. Contact your PTC sales representative to learn more.

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06. Explore security considerations

Determine your organization’s security requirements and collaborate with the appropriate stakeholders to address them.

Your AR initiative stakeholders may have security questions, such as:

  1. How do we ensure CAD files are secured? Vuforia Studio offers safeguards to protect the intellectual property of your organization’s CAD data. AR experiences can be encrypted, and the supporting CAD secured. Furthermore, the CAD files supporting your AR experiences will be simplified and stripped of sensitive meta data.
  2. How do we control access to AR experiences? The author of each AR experience may designate whether the experience requires authentication or is “public.” If the AR experience requires authentication, the user must provide a user ID and password, assigned by an administrator to access it. If the AR experience is public, anyone with access to the Experience Service can access it.
  3. Where will AR experiences be stored? The Experience Service is an enterprise-class, secure, and scalable server used by both Vuforia Studio and Vuforia View.

Contact your PTC sales representative to learn more.

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07. Finalize your use case

With all of the information collected, select the achievable use case that will provide the most impact to your organization. Once your use case is chosen, clearly define the desired outcome and start thinking about key metrics you’ll need to measure and prove value. 

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